the beginning

So…I’m doing this blog thing again. Again, you ask? Why, yes. I started one ages ago (about 4 years) to document my life as a nanny. It was going to be fabulous and funny and make me famous. Like Super Nanny, but without the accent, of course. But, as many blogs do, mine suffered from serious neglect and ultimately utter abandonment. In fact, I forgot I had started it until recently this year when my boss started a blog that we had to follow. I feared the connection that may be made between my private life and professional life and thus frantically went on a Google-search CUZ NOBODY KNOWS HOW TO DELETE A BLOG. Well, someone does, but it wasn’t me. Thankfully, my sister, Kitten Sorceress as she will now be known, did. Thanks, K.S. You da bomb.


Anywayyy, I’m at it again. Can’t tell you why. Okay, I can. I love being thrifty. I love finding deals and steals (not stealing, that’s different). It seriously is an adrenaline rush to bargain with someone for something. And let me tell you- finding that perfect picture frame for $1 cannot be beat. After multiple friends and family members encouraged me to pursue this hobby further (a.k.a. bring it online), I decided to join the ranks of millions of others and blog. For better or for worse.


Ideally, this would be only about all my thrifty finds and fixer uppers. But c’mon. Let’s be real. How could I possibly not post an absurd amount of pictures of my puppy bebes? Impossible. Also, if you know me personally, eating is my thing. I can eat a lot. A lot a lot. So I might as well throw in some food related posts, too.


If you have any ideas for posts, let me know! Also, follow me and make all my dreams come true.




COMING UP NEXT: Tips for becoming a garage-sale master.

Feedback, please.